Easy Nutella Brownies

It’s been a month (and a week) since my last post. I can explain…I had my eyes lasered (PRK)! Woohoo!! I don’t need to wear glasses or contact lenses anymore. Although, I do still get up in the morning and look for my glasses hahaha! It’s been a habit for 14 years, it’s hard to get rid of! 😛

If you had been following my instagram, I’ve been posting Nutella Brownies the past few days and I’d really like to share it with you. 🙂

My husband is crazy about Nutella. We have a jar in the fridge almost always…when we don’t, we go to Prizemart to buy another jar. He likes to get a spoon from the kitchen, smile at me and head to the fridge to get a spoonful of Nutella.

A few months ago, we chatted on Skype and I joked about making dessert for him when I get home. It was not the weekend, so I  thought he knew I was joking. When I sensed that he was really hoping for some dessert, I quickly searched for a quick Nutella recipe.:)

Last Thursday, one of my childhood friends requested me to bake some for his chillax birthday get-together. We’ve been friends for almost 2 decades and he knows I love him to bits which is why I made him 3 different types of brownies. I made him the original 3-ingredient Nutella Brownies, a batch with almonds and another batch with chopped dark chocolate. Yes, it’s nice to have me as a friend, don’t you think? 😛

Making these were so easy! The hardest part was to wait while it was baking in the oven! Here are the three ingredients; Nutella, egg and all-purpose or plain flour. I followed her note about making sure my measuring cup had oil all around so I wouldn’t have difficulties measuring and removing the Nutella.

Nutella Brownies: Ingredients

I first pre-heated the oven to 180C then cracked the egg into a mixing bowl.

Nutella Brownies: Egg

Next, I added the half-cup of Nutella.

Nutella Brownies: Egg and Nutella

I mixed them together with a fork because using a fork is the way to go — it’s a lot easier than the whisk. Yup, I am serious.

Nutella Brownies: Egg + Nutella

When the Nutella and the egg were mixed (yes, with a fork!), I added 5 tablespoons of plain flour. I have tried it with all-purpose flour and it worked very well too! Actually, I did not know the difference (or am I just not…a very experienced “baker”?? Errrr…).

Nutella Brownies: Flour

It will seem that there’s too much flour at first but don’t worry, it will all be alright in the end! C’mon…keep mixing!

Nutella Brownies: Mixture

I added the chopped almonds and dark chocolate after the basic steps were done. 🙂 Of course I could have made them as toppings but my mind was fried! Why didn’t I think of that???

Nutella Brownies: Almonds

Nutella Brownies: Dark Chocolate

When I first made these, I used a 12oz bakeware. I poured the mixture into that and baked it for 30 minutes at 180C. It was actually 15 + 5 + 5 + 5 minutes, those five minutes were my checkpoints to see whether it’s done. I baked it again using this and 30 minutes was still my time. I liked the toasted parts at the sides.

Nutella Brownies: Brownies

This past week, I used a pastry bag to aid me in filling the pan. I used a mini-muffin pan and when it’s 3/4 full, I baked it for 12 minutes 10 minutes while if it was 90-100% full, I baked it for 13-14 minutes 11-12 minutes. [UPDATE: I’ve noticed that reducing the baking time by 2 minutes (before, it was 12-14 minutes), the brownies were more moist.]

Nutella Brownies: Piping

Nutella Brownies: Mini Muffin

Nutella Brownies

Tada! That easy! 🙂 My husband and friends’ tummies were very, very, VERY happy! 😀

Easy Nutella Brownies

(Prep Time: 5 minutes | Baking Time: at least 10 minutes)

Recipe from Imagelicious

  • 1 egg
  • 5 Tbsp All-purpose or Plain flour
  • 1/2 cup Nutella
  • Chopped almonds (optional)
  • Chopped dark chocolate 70% (optional)
  1. Pre-heat oven to 180C.
  2. Mix egg and Nutella together.
  3. Add 5 tablespoons of flour into the mixture and continue mixing.
  4. If you will be adding nuts or chocolate, add them here then mix some more.
  5. When using the 12 oz bakeware I used, bake for 30 minutes (15+5+5+5). When using a mini-muffin pan, pipe the mixture into the paper cases at 3/4 full and bake for 10 minutes.

Makes 1-2 servings or 12-15 mini brownies

6 responses to “Easy Nutella Brownies

  1. Pingback: Spell E-A-S-Y and Nutella | thenotsocreativecook·

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